Large red damselfly

Large red damselfly

Large red damselfly is almost completely confined to Europe, also found in some sites in Marocco, Tunisia, South – West Asia. Widespread and common in Europe. Widespread in Lithuania. These damselflies inhabit in standing and running waters: small ponds, lakes and dikes, and occasionally slow-moving rivers. In eastern and northern Europe, also In Lithuania is less common in standing waters. The larvae can be found as in anthropogenic waters also in natural condition. Development of larvae takes two years. Larvae feed on aquatic insect larvae, protozoa, rotifers or small crustaceans. Adults can be found from April–May until September.

Mature males have red eyes and a black thorax with red shoulder stripes in mature specimen. Abdomen is red with black small rings and bronze-black bands towards the apex (segments 7-9). The legs and wing spots (pterostigma) are black in both sexes