Cow Parsley

Cow Parsley

Cow parsley is a large (length 70-150 cm) herbaceous plant of umbellifers family. It is indiscriminate in terms of habitat, it grows almost everywhere, often forming large stands and displacing other uncompetitive species. It blooms once in the 2nd – 4th year of life, after flowering the plant dies, but the seeds retain germination for one year. Cow parsley is a nitrogen-loving species that spreads well in fertile soils and in such places the species begins to dominate. Since the end of the 20th century the distribution of this species is constantly increasing. Due to the high content of essential oils, cow parsley has a pleasantly sweet anise aroma, and since ancient times the plant is often used in cooking. Cow parsley earlier was used to dye yarns and fabrics in yellow.